Creating Our Next Generation
Through Early Education

​Our Mission

Mission 2030 – ZERO DROPOUTS, with TARA Foundation’s help, No Child shall have the option to drop out of school. To create the infrastructure and mobilize resources for the creation of New Generation Development Centres (@ Seva Gurukulams) and an “Online & Offline Learning Platform” to minimize or eliminate school dropouts by the year 2030

Our Objective

TARA Foundation is committed to helping create a better world that is wise, mature and peaceful. With such attributes, there can be achievement and sensibility in the world. Our focus will be based on our Main Pillar of Success to bring a change to the lives of the community READ MORE…

​Latest project


Transforming Lives, Starting Young

As the title suggests, this is a 10-year journey we are embarking on, to ensure that by the year 2030, there will be no dropouts from high school (after SPM) amongst our kids. 

Fundraising Campaigns

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