Project Mother
A Good Mother Feeds Her Children
Despite childrens of Tara coming from disadvantaged backgrounds, the Tara foundation offers a support network to help them attain the achievement we have all only ever imagined. We strive to reach out and assist more children living in difficult settings to be motivated and thrive. Currently, we provide education to almost 700 children throughout 14 sites in Malaysia. By giving individuals living in extreme poverty access to life-sustaining food, safe housing, clean water, healthcare, emergency relief, micro-enterprise ventures, and educational opportunities, we are demonstrating God’s love to them and offering them a shot at a better future. What effects does helping others have on your life? It improves your contentment, pleasure, and self-worth. It forges deep connections with people. It makes a difference in your life for the better. When your attempts to help others result in positive changes, it lifts your spirits.
TARA acts as a Mother to Children in Need. Food is distributed to children from the B40 neighbourhood to maintain their daily life after receiving free education from them, helping the children on their journey. TARA is advised to provide the hungry food You will enter Paradise in peace if you feed children every day, take care of their hunger needs, and pray for them in their wombs and at night, when people are sleeping. It has been demonstrated that helping others is important for our happiness and health. It can enhance our physical well-being, strengthen our bonds with others, and increase our sense of vitality. It includes self-coaching for your strengths as well as prosocial behaviour.
People are kept in poverty by a self-sustaining barrier that is brought about by hunger and malnutrition. A person’s ability to learn, work, pursue opportunities, and give back to society is hampered by hunger. Tara comprehends the needs and demands of the underprivileged and disadvantaged. Aid them in overcoming life’s challenges. Understanding the wants, desires, and thoughts of the poor and needy while maintaining their dignity can enable one to assist them in achieving their goals in a respectable way. Additionally, it is important to show respect for and understanding of those who are in need. Their lives would be significantly improved by this. Treat them with the same decency and respect that you would your friends and family. Give them a kind remark and a smile in return. Helping others enhances social connection, diverts attention from one’s own issues, and boosts one’s sense of competence and self-worth. Physical Well-Being – By assisting others, people become more socially integrated, which enables them to live more active lives.
Because maintaining human decent and preventing starvation are only two goals of nutrition. We see this in stunted children who grow less than they should as a result of not getting enough nourishment. One can assist the underprivileged and needy by organising donation drives for food, clothing, books, blankets, and other necessities. These collection drives can be held in local communities, offices, or schools to help those in most need. It is one of the simplest ways to assist the needy and underprivileged. Find out what the groups that help the disadvantaged need by getting in touch with them. Next, organise a collecting drive by placing up bins at local businesses or schools where people can drop off donations. You can also urge businesses to contribute to the campaign. Helping others enables us to establish lasting connections and meaningful relationships with others. Additionally, it improves our connection to the neighbourhood and provides us a sense of belonging. There are numerous practical advantages in addition to the psychological rewards of assisting others.